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Located in Blackburn Hamlet Since 1911
2832 Innes Road,
Ottawa, ON

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Phlox paniculata 'Baby Doll Pink'

Phlox paniculata 'Baby Doll Pink'

Price (excl. tax)
HST (13%)
Price (incl. tax)

Common Name: Hybrid Phlox
Flower: Pink
Container: 3 quart

16 in
16 in
Image Credit:
Walters Gardens
Hardiness Zone:
zone 3-9
Sun Exposure:
Full Sun
Bloom Time:
All summer
cut flower

At just a foot tall, this perennial is easy to tuck into small spaces in the garden or for use in containers. Bright pink flowers with a white halo form a mass of blooms on top of the dark green foliage. Sheering back nearly to the ground after its done blooming will encourage rebloom.

These perennials are a favorite of gardeners around the world and a staple of North American native gardens. Be sure to locate these plants in full sun for the best flowering performance and to help avoid powdery mildew concerns. A favorite of pollinators.