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Located in Blackburn Hamlet Since 1911
2832 Innes Road,
Ottawa, ON

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Grass Panicum 'Niagara Falls' New 2024

Grass Panicum 'Niagara Falls' New 2024

Price (excl. tax)
HST (13%)
Price (incl. tax)

Common Name: Switch Grass
Flower: White Shades
Leaf Colour: Blue Shades
Container: 2 quart

48 in
48 in
Image Credit:
walters gardens
Hardiness Zone:
Zone 4
Sun Exposure:
full sun
Bloom Time:
late summer

Notably wide for a Panicum, 'Niagara Falls' is excellent for filling space in the landscape. This native ornamental grass appears like a Miscanthus in the landscape with arching foliage, but adds the powder blue color characteristic of Switch Grass. In fall, sprays of cream seed heads pack the top of the plant. Compared with the other Panicum of the PRAIRIE WINDS® collection, 'Niagara Falls' is the broadest of the group, but halfway in height between 'Apache Rose' and 'Totem Pole'.

Switch grass gets its name from the peaceful swishing sound it makes when blowing in the wind. All parts of this grass are very sturdy, and will remain standing thru winter unless snows are heavy. This provides important cover for birds during the coldest days of winter. This grass is very versitile from a design standpoint; it is effective as a specimen, in masses, for screening, alongside ponds or streams, or even in large containers.