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Located in Blackburn Hamlet Since 1911
2832 Innes Road,
Ottawa, ON

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Echinacea 'Pow Wow Wildberry'

Echinacea 'Pow Wow Wildberry'

Price (excl. tax)
HST (13%)
Price (incl. tax)

Common Name: Coneflower
Flower: Pink
Container Size: 3 quart pot

16 in
24 in
Image Credit:
Budd Gardens
Hardiness Zone:
zone 3
Sun Exposure:
sun to part shade
Bloom Time:
June to September

Each stocky, relatively short plant carried a bouquet of fragrant, 3-4”, deep purple-pink to near-magenta flowers on stiff, branched stems. More branches result in more flowers per plant and a showier display in the landscape.&nbsp We noted that the older flowers were nearly the same magenta color as the new flowers the flowers held their bright coloration very well as they aged.


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