Echinacea 'Coral Craze'
Price (excl. tax)
HST (13%)
Price (incl. tax)
Common Name: Coneflower
Flower: Pink Shades
1 quart container
28 in
28 in
Image Credit:
Walters Gardens
Hardiness Zone:
zone 4
Sun Exposure:
Sun To Part Shade
Bloom Time:
Mid To Late Summer
one of the tallest
New from the Walters Gardens hybridizing program comes a collection that was a long time in the making and will certainly in catch your eye!in These single flowering varieties come in bold colors, better basal branching compared to older genetics, and are fairly compact. These pollinator friendly perennials are a must-have addition to your sun garden!
Large, 5in vibrant coral pink flowers mature to lavender pink with wide petals. Dark, near black stems have a matching dark cone. The tallest of the collection.
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