Baptisia 'Dark Chocolate' New 2025
Price (excl. tax)
HST (13%)
Price (incl. tax)
Common Name: False Indigo
Flower: Purple/near black
Container Size: 1 gallon
40 in
36 in
Image Credit:
walters gardens
Hardiness Zone:
zone 4-9
Sun Exposure:
sun to part shade
Bloom Time:
This variety shares that same, nearly black, charcoal purple flowers, but has much longer flower spikes-up to 27" long. The flowers grow well out of the foliage, an improvement on its predecessor. Forms an incredibly full and bushy habit-a perfect substitution for shrubs if you're looking for structure in the garden.
Baptisia is easy to grow and will thrive with little maintenance. There are many potential applications in the landscape including meadow plantings, as a backdrop in borders, or as a specimen. Plants are very long-lived once established.
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