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Located in Blackburn Hamlet Since 1911
2832 Innes Road,
Ottawa, ON

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Iris Ensata 'Lion King'

Iris Ensata 'Lion King'

Price (excl. tax)
HST (13%)
Price (incl. tax)

Common Name: Japanese Iris
Flower: Purple
Container Size: 2 quart pot

0 iris ensata lion king 99


28 in
48 in
Image Credit:
Walters Gardens
Hardiness Zone:
Zone 4
Sun Exposure:
Full Sun To Part Sha
Bloom Time:
Early Summer

Absolutely extraordinary! Nothing less could describe the incredible show this Japanese Iris puts on in early summer. Planted in ideal moist conditions in our trial garden, these majestic plants grew to a tall, stately height of 4 feet and was in full bloom in mid-June (early summer) here in Michigan.The gigantic 7-8 inch flowers were fully double, with standards and falls much larger than the species. Each petal displays a wide, grape purple edge that feathers into the pure white center. A small sunshine yellow signal is tucked down into the base of each widely ruffled petal.This is absolutely a must-have for every perennial garden!


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