Dianthus 'Red Rouge' New 2023
Price (excl. tax)
HST (13%)
Price (incl. tax)
Common Name: Pinks
Flower: Red Shades
Container: 2 quart
20 in
8 in
Image Credit:
Walters Gardens
Hardiness Zone:
Zone 4
Sun Exposure:
full sun
Bloom Time:
all summer
Burgundy red flowers have rosy pink flecking and edges. Each bloom is slightly serrated for additional texture. Flowers are notably large for single Dianthus at 1½" wide.
In the carnation family, Dianthus cultivars deliver gorgeous single, semi-double, and fully double flowers. Singles tend to deliver more flowers while doubles are significantly larger, sometimes more than twice the size. Singles also tend to grow quicker and can appear like a carpet in the landscape at maturity.
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