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Located in Blackburn Hamlet Since 1911
2832 Innes Road,
Ottawa, ON

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Kniphofia (Tritoma) 'Lady Luck'

Kniphofia (Tritoma) 'Lady Luck'

Price (excl. tax)
HST (13%)
Price (incl. tax)

Common Name: Red Hot Poker
Flower: Green/Yellow shades
Container: 2 quart

36 in
60 in
Image Credit:
Walters Gardens
Hardiness Zone:
zone 5
Sun Exposure:
full sun
Bloom Time:
all summer

The tallest Kniphofia we offer, 'Lady Luck' lends itself well to create dramatic height in a limited footprint. A mid to late season bloomer, this plant produces chartreuse buds that open to white flowers over top of a very large clump of foliage. It's jam-packed with flower spikes, so you know you'll enjoy a prolonged display in summer.


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