Heuchera 'Pistachio Ambrosia' New 2023
Price (excl. tax)
HST (13%)
Price (incl. tax)
Common Name: Coral Bells
Flower: Pink
Container: 3 quart
32 in
12 in
Image Credit:
Walters Gardens
Hardiness Zone:
Zone 4
Bloom Time:
An improvement over 'Pretty Pistachio' in the PRIMO® collection. Growers who loved the large chartreuse leaves of 'Pretty Pistachio' can expect the same from the new version, as well as the upright scapes of light pink flowers. 'Pistachio Ambrosia' has a similar robust landscape presence as its predecessor but is less prone to burning or leaf discoloration. Brightest foliage color will come with filtered shade or morning sun.PRIMO® Heuchera differ from the DOLCE® Series with larger, faster growing habits and a more substanial landscape presence.
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