Phlox paniculata 'Pink Lightning' New 2025
Common Name: Tall Garden Phlox
Flower: Bright pink
Container: 3 quart
The brilliant flower color of 'Pink Lighting' will deliver a shock to the landscape when it begins blooming in midsummer. Each individual flower is a bright true pink with a central white starburst pattern. The intensity of the flower color matches varieties like 'Sunset Coral' and 'Ultraviolet'. Individual flowers are the largest in the series. Compared with 'Prismatic Pink' the flowers are not as lavender and have light colored centers instead of dark. Healthy foliage has been documented as mildew free through September.
These perennials are a favorite of gardeners around the world and a staple of North American native gardens. Be sure to locate these plants in full sun for the best flowering performance and to help avoid powdery mildew concerns. A favorite of pollinators.