Phlox paniculata 'Opening Act Ultra Pink' New 2025
Common Name: Hybrid Phlox
Flower: Bright ultra pink
Container: 3 quart
This Phlox isn't just pink, it's ULTRApink! With this addition to the Opening Act Phlox Collection, it is officially the brightest, most vibrant color of the set. In early summer, this plant produces fluorescent rose pink flowers that are slam-on-your-breaks intense. If sheered back, these plants will rebloom later in the season. Spreads slowly through stolons. A must have!
These perennials are a favorite of gardeners around the world and a staple of North American native gardens. Be sure to locate these plants in full sun for the best flowering performance and to help avoid powdery mildew concerns. A favorite of pollinators.